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Respecting your Privacy
We are committed to respecting your privacy and keeping your information safe. We also want to be clear about what we collect from you and how it is used to improve your experience on Trinding.
Information we store in association with your account
  • Username - your username is publicly visible to other users who visit Trinding.
  • Password - only you know your password. Your password is encrypted and is not viewable by anybody including us.
  • Email address - your email address will never be shared or distributed to other users or any third party. Your email address is only used for communication from us and as a method of verifying and protecting your account. You can opt-out of any or all email communication from us under your profile settings.
  • Your posts - what you share on Trinding is publicly visible on the main Trinding feeds or under your profile page. You can delete your posts at any time.
  • Which posts you view - we log views on each post for statistical purposes, but this information is not visible to anybody else and is not distributed in any way.
  • Your votes - what you vote on affects the score of a post, but all votes are anonymous.
  • Your comments - comments on Trinding are publicly visible on a post or under your account so long as the post associated with the comment has not been deleted or removed. You can always delete your comments at any time.
  • Your IP address - we log IP addresses only as a means of detecting potential fraudulent or manipulative activity on Trinding. This information is stored securely and is not visible to anybody else.
  • If you wish to have your data removed from our system, please message us here.
Other data or services used
  • Cookies - cookies are used to improve your experience on Trinding. This helps to retain your login and in the future may be used to help third-party advertising services display relevant ads in their network or on our site.
  • Google Analytics - Google Analytics is a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google utilizes the Data collected to track and examine the use of this Application, to prepare reports on its activities and share them with other Google services. Google may use the Data collected to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network.
  • Embedded sites - YouTube, Vimeo, and Vidme videos are embedded in the posts on our site. Each site may track your views or activity and you should refer to each of their privacy policies if you need further information on that.
  • Stripe - Stripe is used for processing payments on Trinding. If you submit a donation to us or pay for advertising or pro features on Trinding, we will store your email address used to make the purchase. Please refer to Stripe’s terms and privacy policy for more information about how payment information is processed and stored.
Account deactivation
If you no longer wish to have your account or information visible on Trinding, you may deactivate your account under your user settings. This will make your profile and all other activity no longer visible on Trinding.
Contacting us
You can message us here if you need any support or have any questions!